Plains Woman’s Club – Log Schoolhouse Roof Replacement

The Wild Horse Plains School was built 130 years ago in Plains, Montana, and needs to be stabilized for it to last another 130 years. The school was built between 1884-1886 with locally milled lumber and volunteer labor. The school was active until 1898 when a larger school was built closer to the center of town. In 1976, the log school house was moved from a field where it was used as a storage shed to a corner of the newer school property.

The school still plays an active role in the history and life of the community. It is open to visitors who want to experience the atmosphere of a log school built in the late 1800s. The building is in generally good condition, but needs a new roof, mold mitigation, re-daubing, oiling the logs and re-glazing the windows. Additionally, gable ends will be sealed to keep birds out. MHF is excited to help the Plains Woman’s Club preserve another one of Montana’s treasured log cabin schoolhouses.


Ravalli County Museum & Historical Society – Collections Care Project


Paradise Elementary School Preservation Committee – “When the Whistle Blew” A Company Town Exhibit