The Heritage Museum – Outdoor signs and Interpretive Displays

The Heritage Museum in Libby showcases Lincoln County’s farming, ranching, mining, logging, and transportation history. MHF funded interpretative signs for its outdoor exhibits. While the museum has done an outstanding job of creating indoor educational exhibits for visitors, there is currently no signage for the museum’s outdoor artifacts. Some of the artifacts in the museum’s outdoor Agriculture Exhibit area include a digger, a drill, a cultivator, a planter, plows, a spreader, a “hay tedder” (used to loosen hay that has been rained upon), and a “duck foot” (a cultivator that loosens heavy sods in hay fields). Each of these artifacts was used in the Libby area for farming and ranching circa 1900.

In addition to preserving local historic artifacts, community members also use the museum grounds for events such as student educational field trips, square dancing, meetings, picnics, training sessions, public speakers, and more.


The Original Montana Club – Stained Glass Window Restoration


Sun River Valley Historical Society – Adobe Wall Repair